Relevant Skills


  • 7+ years of experience broadly focused on social psychology, leadership, and public policy 
  • Advanced knowledge of Qualtrics relevant to survey design and implementation 
  • Capable of conducting literature reviews to synthesize and present scientific data 
  • Familiarity with tools critical for organizing and managing research projects such as the Open Science Framework

Leadership & Management 

  • 2+ years of experience working as a Lab Manager and Research Assistant at the University of Virginia 
  • Advanced knowledge of online data collection platforms such as Prolific 
  • Capable of administering research training and supervision to 20+ undergraduate research assistants 
  • Familiarity with basic laboratory functions, such as writing and amending IRBs, grant writing, and funding


  • 5+ years of experience publishing scientific papers in high-impact journals such as Nature Communications 
  • Advanced knowledge of the peer-review publication process, including registered reports 
  • Capable of presenting research at local, national, and international conferences both virtually and in person 
  • Familiarity with grant writing in addition to securing $6,000+ through competitive grants and awards 

Data Cleaning & Analysis 

  • 5+ years of experience collecting and analyzing data (e.g., via an undergraduate thesis) 
  • Advanced knowledge of statistical software such as JASP, SPSS, and R 
  • Capable of conducting advanced statistics (eg, ANOVA and mediation analyses) and teaching undergraduates 
  • Familiarity with data management and collection on platforms such as Prolific and Qualtrics 
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