Stony Brook University 

I graduated from Stony Brook University in the Spring of 2019 with a B.A. in Psychology and Political Science. As an undergraduate student, I conducted research on innovative teams and group behavior in the Leadership and Creativity Lab, under Dr. Lily Cushenbery, and became interested in leveraging cultural diversity to improve the workplace and other organizational settings. For my senior thesis, I analyzed homosexuality acceptance in China, using data from the World Values Survey.

Outside of the Lab, I enjoyed working as a Peer Academic Success Coach Tutor and mentoring students through the Psi Chi Honor Society and the Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance, where I served as Vice President under each organization. 

Undergraduate Research & Creative Activities (URECA)

Annalisa presenting her honors thesis at the Symposium
Annalisa presenting her honors thesis at the Symposium
© Angelo Cuismano
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