Virtual Writing Workshops


Interested in learning how to write more, write better, and be happy in academia? Interested in joining a virtual writing group? 

Lucky for us, Dr. Barbara Sarnecka has decided to make her book, The Writing Workshop, available online. Other amazing resources exist online, including the #100daysofwritingchallenge, which is organized by Dr. Margaret Echelbarger, a behavioral science researcher at the Center for Decision Research. 

Big thanks to Emily Sarah Sumner for putting together a virtual writing group for members of the #100daysofwritingchallenge!, where we meet weekly on Mondays from 1-3pm for quiet writing time and feedback forums. 

Additional shoutouts to Elizabeth, Meltem, Darby, Rena, Bharathy, and Sonya for keeping me accountable to my writing goals. Wahoo! 

In addition to our usual virtual writing group sessions, Annalisa has started a virtual writing group for her students in PEP, which meets bi-weekly on Tuesdays from 3:30-5pm on Zoom. If interested in joining, please contact Annalisa via email. The more, the merrier. 

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