Research Opportunities for Undergraduates


Looking for summer research opportunities, for you or your students? 

@SPSPnews has an extensive list of paid programs in social psychology on their website! Please check it out, and keep the list going! 

Gain Experience in Psychology Research Labs! 

One of the best ways to know if a career in personality and social psychology is for you is to get first-hand experience in an active psychology research laboratory. Below, @SPSP has compiled listings for research opportunities in psychology for undergraduate students. 

Other opportunities: Planning to live near a major college or university this summer? Consider contacting psychology faculty to inquire about research positions. Even those who do not have posted summer research positions may allow you to participate in research on a volunteer basis for the summer. Please email us if you know of other funded opportunities for undergraduate research or research opportunities for recent graduates and those taking a gap year between undergrad and graduate school. 

For tips on how to find research employment after undergraduate and before graduate school, check out this resource from a recent SPSP meeting:

© Angelo Cuismano
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